Hi all my cycling friends, it's that time of year, well almost, when we deck the hall with sprigs of holly tra la la la la, tis the season to be jolly, tra la la la, etc. Yep it's the Christmas Run, when we put away grim training regimes and have a socially short and steady ride out to the Prince of Wales pub on Ham Hill, for bacon rolls and coffee. The weather looks better this week but then again it couldn't look worse. Chilly, with light winds and lots of sunshine. It looks really good.
I spoke to the landlady of the Prince of Wales pub and she suggests we congregate there as near to 10.30 as we can for a 10.45 start and we will be using the Chapel room as usual. I will be counting you all at the Athletics Centre at 9am, and getting someone to phone ahead, so they know how many to cater for. If you are making your own way there, please let Sandra know on 07734926404
Martin Wills