Yeovil Cycling Club group photo


Join YCC

The annual subscription is currently £18.00 for adults, £6.00 for Juniors, Juveniles and full time students and a family membership for £36.00 which covers two adults and any children/full time students living at the same address.

There is a day membership available for anyone who wishes to try a Club activity that requires compulsory membership, the fee is £1.50 per day.

Membership entitles riders to participate in any of the Clubs activities.

You can download a pdf file of the Membership Application form here or for more information please contact Mark Boxall, our membership secretary.

To pay your membership by electronic transfer the club details are:

  • Account name: Yeovil Cycling Club
  • Type: Business
  • Sort: 090152
  • Account: 46942606
  • Reference: Subs Surname & Initial (e.g. Subs Boxall M).

Payment by this means signifies that you agree to abide by the Club Rules.